Reviewed and not so reviewed publications of
Andreas Bærentzen

Note that this page is no longer maintained. Peruse this one unless you are looking for one of the unreviewed papers at the bottom.

Reviewed Publications 

I'll be happy to supply preprints if you want a paper which is not available via a link. Just send an email to jab 'at'
  • J. Andreas Bærentzen
    Robust Generation of Signed Distance Fields from Triangle Meshes
    Proceedings of International Workshop on Volume Graphics, Stony Brook, June 2005, to appear.
  • J. Andreas Bærentzen and Henrik Aanæs
    Signed Distance Computation using the Angle Weighted Pseudo-normal
    Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(3), 243-253, May/June, 2005
  • J. Andreas Bærentzen
    Hardware-Accelerated Point Generation and Rendering of Point-based Imposters,
    Volume 10, Number 2, 2005
  • Henrik Aanæs and J. Andreas Bærentzen
    Pseudo--Normals for Signed Distance Computation, Proceedings of VISION, MODELING, AND VISUALIZATION 2003, to appear
    Download tech report
  •  Andreas Bærentzen and N.J. Christensen
    Hardware Accelerated Point Rendering of Isosurfaces
    Journal of WSCG 11(1), pp.41-48, February 2003
    Some hindsight
  •  Andreas Bærentzen and N.J. Christensen
    Interactive Modelling of Shapes Using the Level-Set Method
    International Journal of Shape Modelling, 8(2), pp. 79-97, World Scientific Publishing Company, December 2002
    (Contact me for a copy or download the paper below. This is essentially an expanded version)
  •  Andreas Bærentzen and N.J. Christensen
    Volume Sculpting Using the Level-Set Method
    Proceedings of Shape Modelling International 2002, pp. 175-182, Banff, Canada, May 2002
  •  Andreas Bærentzen and N.J. Christensen
    A Technique for Volumetric CSG Based on Morphology
    Volume Graphics 2001, eds. K. Mueller and A. Kaufman, pp. 117-130, Springer-Verlag, 2001
  • Milos Sramek, L.I. Dimitrov and  A. Bærentzen
    Correction of Voxelization Artifacts by Revoxelization
    Volume Graphics 2001, eds. K. Mueller and A. Kaufman, pp. 265-275, Springer-Verlag, 2001
  •  Andreas Bærentzen, Milos Sramek and Niels Jørgen Christensen
    A Morphological Approach to the Voxelization of Solids
    Proceedings of WSCG 2000, pp. 44-51 vol. I, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2000
  •  Andreas Bærentzen
    Octree-based Volume Sculpting
    Late Braking Hot Topics Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '98, pp 9-12, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, October 1998

Unreviewed publications

I have put here some notes and slides used in courses or written purely for my own edification. None of it is novel or reviewed. Some of it may be useful.
  • On Left-balancing Binary Trees
    Left balanced binary trees can be stored in a linear array. It is also fairly efficient to search in left balanced trees, since going from a parent to a child node can be accomplished with simple shift and add operations. In this brief note, I discuss how to left balance a binary tree. The method is probably not novel, but I did not find other documents on the net describing how to do it. The technique for left balancing binary trees applies also to kD trees which are used for many applications e.g. in computer graphics. kD trees are very suitable for finding the closest point from a set of points or a group of points in some region. To give an example of an application, kD trees are used to store photon maps in global illumination.
  • Volume Sculpting: Intuitive, Interactive 3D Shape Modelling
    This is a description of my sculpting system. It was presented at the 2001 IMM Vision Day. The intended audience of the paper is someone interested in volume sculpting who is not yet very familiar with that topic.
  • CGLA Reference Manual
    A concise reference manual for CGLA, my Computer Graphics Linear Algebra library.
  • The Fast Marching Method
    Technical Report: IMM-REP-2001-13
    In this note, I discuss Sethian's Fast Marching Method. A technique that can be used for computing e.g. distance fields in a 2D or 3D discrete grid. This note discusses also the high accuracy Fast Marching Method and contains pseudo-code. I hope it will prove useful to people trying to implement the technique.
  • On the Computation of the Principal Curvatures of Regular Surfaces
    Curvature is important in many computer graphical contexts. In this brief document, I discuss two methods for calculating principal curvatures.
  • What is aliasing really?
    The slides from a seminar on aliasing. See the abstract
  • Degrees of Freedom
    Some musings about how to compute the degrees of freedom of a geometrical primitive spawned by a random question asked while stuck in traffic.
  • Static Polymorphism
    This is about a template technique for C++
    In some cases, we want to use virtual functions but the performance hit is just not acceptable. In some of these cases, we can use static polymorphism. Here is how to do it.
  • glTexGen and glClipPlane
    It can be a bit confusing to figure out exactly what happens when one specifies a clip plane. Specifying a clip plane is much like setting up automatic texture coordinate generation. When setting up texture coordinate generation we also have to choose between generation based on object or eye coordinates. In this brief note I try to explain what is going on.

Maintained by: Andreas Bærentzen, jab 'at'
Last modified: Thu Mar 10 13:28:13 CET 2005