02226 High-performance Operating Systems

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High-performance Operating Systems microkernel OS

Modern computer applications often need to get the maximum performance out of the computer. Whereas advances in hardware technology mean that the speed of the CPU increases by about 50% a year, corresponding developments in operating systems and other system software lag behind.

This course is concerned with qualitative and quantitative techniques used in the construction and evaluation of operating systems for computer systems where performance is important, such as real-time applications, communication systems and multimedia systems. In particular, we consider quantitative and algorithmic aspects of real-time scheduling, virtual memory and memory management, task management and synchronisation in uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems, inter-process communication, drivers and I/O systems, disc and file systems and networking.

Course description
Teaching material
Lecture plan Autumn 2001

End of term projects instead of written exam

Participants Autumn 2001

Further Information:

Contact Robin Sharp in B.322, room 219 (2nd floor),
	telephone: 45 25 37 49
	e-mail:    robin@imm.dtu.dk

Modified by Robin Sharp, 011109, 9:20