Finn Årup Nielsen PhD-project

Title:Analysis, Visualization and Metaanalysis of Neuroimages
Institution: Section for Digital Signal Processing
Department of Mathmatical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark
Supervisors: Lars Kai Hansen, MSc, lic. scient (PhD)
Jan Larsen, MScEE, PhD
Address:Department of Mathematical Modelling, Building 321
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby
Period:1998 April - 2001 March (planned)
Keywords: Neuroinformatics, functional neuroimaging, VRML, meta-analysis, neural networks, visualization
Goal: The goal of my project is to build new tools that will help other researchers to interpret functional neuroimages from e.g. PET and fMRI scanners. These new tools are analysis and visualization methods and software. My project is divided into three parts:
  • Analysis, where I will develop new analysis methods and programs for functional neuroimages with (multivariate) linear and non-linear (neural network) models.
  • Visualization, where I will develop programs to render functional neuroimage results with the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) potentially to form interactive, hyperlinked and collaborative visualizations.
  • Meta-analysis, where I will develop methods and programs to deal with multiple functional neuroimaging studies mainly by using the BrainMap database.
The term neuroinformatics has been used to denote these fields.

More can be read in the Ph.D.-studyplan (in Danish)
Method of research: My method of research consists mostly of litterature studies, mathematical derivations, computer programming (mainly and Matlab) and construction of VRML-models. Most of my computer programming is published within a day on the internet.
Status and results: Some of the functional neuroimages analyses has been programmed into the so-called "lyngby" toolbox that is distributed freely via the Internet. An other toolbox called "brede" is being programmed to handle both meta-analysis and the construction of VRML-models for the visualization of functional neuroimages. This toolbox has not yet been distributed. Several of the VRML visualizations and images are available at the site

More specifically I have been working with regularized canonical correlation analysis for functional neuroimaging and neural network models for fMRI time series.

Halfyear report: 1999 winter (in Danish), 1999 autumn (in Danish)
Papers: Primary papers and abstracts: Other papers available: journal articles, conference articles and abstracts