
Class Description

This DIVA class provide a number basic non image analysis functions, which are used by other sequence classes. CDSequenceBasic is a templated class derived from CDVisSequence (which is an equivalent class to CVisSequence with the exception that it contains a queue of CDVisApp<TPixel> images instead of CVisImage<TPixel> images)  and the template takes a single argument specifying the pixel type (TPixel).


    (int nLength = - 1,
     int evissequence = evissequenceDefault)

Constructs a sequence, but doesn't connect it to an image source.

    (int nLength,
     const CVisShape& refshape,
     int evissequence = evissequenceDefault)

Constructs a sequence of nLength images, with the properties of refshape. The images are "empty" -- they contain no data.

    (int nLength,
     const T_Image& refimage,
     int evissequence = evissequenceDefault)

Constructs a sequence of nLength images, each pointing to refimage. The images are aliased; they are not copied.

    (const CDSequenceBasic<TPixel>& refsequence,
     int iFirst = 0,
     int iLim = - 1)

Constructs a sequence of images, copying the images in the refsequence sequence from iFirst to (but not including) iLim. An iLim value of -1 is used to copy images to the end of refsequence.

    (const CDSequenceBasic<TPixel>& refsequence,
     int iFirst,
     int iLim,
     int evissequence)

Constructs a sequence of images, copying the images from index iFirst to (but not including) index iLim in the refsequence sequence.
Argumerefsequencent Description
nLength Maximum length of sequence. If -1, sequence can grow without limit. 
evissequence EVisSequence enumerated constant specifying how new or inserted images are to be handled. 
refimage reference to an image instanc
refshape reference to a CVisShape instance 
refsequence reference to an existing sequence
iFirst Index of first image in sequence to be copied
iLim Index of last image in sequence to be copied. If -1, images up to current back image are copied.

virtual ~CDSequenceBasic (void)
Destroy this sequence, freeing any memory that it may have allocated.



Adding and Removing Images


void InsertCopy(int i, const T_Image& refimage)

Insert a copy of the image into the sequence, i.e. the pixel values are copied.


void InsertFullCopy(int i, const T_Image& refimage)

Insert a copy of the full image independent of the ROI into the sequence, i.e. the pixel values are copied.

Argument Description
i index at which image is to be inserted
refimage reference to an image


File I/O


void ReadFile(SVisFileDescriptor& filedescriptorT)

Read an image sequence from a file.


void ReadFile(SVisFileDescriptor& filedescriptorT)

An error is thrown for the following conditions:

  • missing or invalid file name
  • no file handler for specified file type
  • pixel type not supported
  • file could not be opened
  • header could not be read or written
  • file's picture format inconsistent with specified file descriptor
  • Argument Description
    reffiledescriptorT reference to a file descriptor




    void History(CString& strHistory)

    Combine the history for all the images in the sequence.
    Argument Description
    strHistory reference to history string 




    void SetRect(CRect rect)

    Clear the ROI (active rectangle) for all images in the sequence, i.e. set the ROI equal to MemoryRect() for each image.


    void SetRect(CRect rect)

    Set the ROI (active rectangle) for all images in the sequence.
    Argument Description
    rect the ROI


    Copyright, 1999
    Section for Image Analysis
    Department of Mathematical Modelling
    Technical University of Denmark
    DK-2800 Lyngby

    Authors: Rune Fisker

    Last updated: 01-05-1999