
  1. The Danish Technological Institute: COMB, centre for surface microscopy, microanalysis and image analysis
  2. The Danish National Environmental Research Institution (DMU, Danmarks miljøundersøgelser): DECO, Danish Environmental monitoring of COastal waters
  3. The Danish National Survey and Cadastre (KMS, Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen): GEOSONAR, GEOid and Sea level of the North Atlantic Region
  4. Norsk Hydro A/S, Norway: analysis of SEM EDS images of thin sections, and analysis of seismic attributes
  5. Torsana A/S, Denmark: development of image processing and analysis methods in diabetes diagnosing
  6. Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd., Geophysical Services Department, Johannesburg: geophysical data processing
  7. PicoImages/Image Processing Consultants, Johannesburg, South Africa: methods in geophysical data processing
  8. Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa: Ph.D. students
  9. Minas de Almadén y Arrayanes, S.A. (MAYASA), Spain: development, implementation and application of methods for analysis of geochemichal, geophysical, spectral and other geological and environmental data for mapping and determination of anomalies and potential mineralisations and high-risk areas
  10. Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstallt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Optoelektronik, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany: development and implementation of methods for analysis of hyper-channel image data for mineral exploration and environmental surveillance
  11. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung m.b.H. (GAF), Germany: development, implementation and application of methods for analysis of geochemichal, geophysical, spectral and other geological and environmental data for mapping and determination of anomalies and potential mineralisations and high-risk areas
  12. ForschungsZentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany: development, implementation and application of methods for (semi-)automatic change detection in multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing data
  13. Nunaoil A/S, Denmark/Greenland: analysis of geochemical and remote sensing data from Greenland, mapping of anomalies and potential mineralisations i connection with acquisition of concessions
  14. GEUS, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland: analysis of geochemical and geophysical data from Greenland, mapping of anomalies and potential mineralisations
  15. Department of Electronical Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark: modular, operational image processing systems (in Danish: modulære, operationelle billebehandlingssystemer, MOBS)
  16. Department of Computer Science (Datalogisk Institut), University of Copenhagen, Denmark: modular, operational image processing systems (in Danish: modulære, operationelle billebehandlingssystemer, MOBS)
  17. Municipal Food Administration of Copenhagen (Københavns kommunes Levnedsmiddelkontrol): establishment of calibration for apparatus for determination of the heavy mineral contents of foods (opstilling af kalibreringsudtryk for apparatur til bestemmelse af levnedsmidlers tungmetalindhold)
  18. Department of Automation (formerly Lab. f. Varmeisolering), DTU, Denmark: determination of thermal dynamics of buildings in connection with heating requirements and energy consumption
  19. Klinisk-fysiologisk afdeling, Bispebjerg Hospital: bearbejdning af søvnforskningsdata
  20. Lungemedicinsk afdeling, KAS Gentofte: bearbejdning af data vedrørende naturmedicins virkning samt pre-operationelle fysiologiske parametres prediktionsevne for operationsresultater
  21. GeoRem AB, Sweden/Norsk Hydro: analysis of satellite data in connection with petroleum and natural gas exploration, and algae bloom
  22. Cowiconsult A/S, Denmark: geostatistical analysis af natural gas exploration data
  23. Institute of Work Environment (Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet), Denmark: (geo)statistical analysis of data concerning efficiency of cleaning
  24. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, USA: development of methods for extraction of (change) information from multitemporal, multispectral oceanographical image data
  25. Institut for filosofi, pædagogik og retorik, Københavns Universitet: statistisk bearbejdning af data fra fjernsynsudsendelsesrækken `Bytinget'
  26. Rockwool A/S, Denmark: (confidential)
  27. Water Quality Institute (Vandkvalitetsinstituttet, VKI), Denmark: geostatistical evaluation of measurements from the RoxAnn instrument, and MAST-III programme BioSonar - Sonar technology for monitoring and assessment of benthic communities (with joint Ph.D. student)
  28. IRNAS/CSIC Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology, Spain: MAST-III programme BioSonar - Sonar technology for monitoring and assessment of benthic communities
  29. ESGEMAR Estudios Geologicos Marinos, Spain: MAST-III programme BioSonar - Sonar technology for monitoring and assessment of benthic communities
  30. MMT Marin Mätteknik, Sweden: MAST-III programme BioSonar - Sonar technology for monitoring and assessment of benthic communities
  31. CRI A/S: restoration of hyper-spectral airborne push-broom scanner data
  32. Institut for Automation (tidl. Afd. for Elektrofysik), DTU: improvement of radioactive source recovery routines
  33. Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal: pattern recognition of selected contaminated soil features in thin sections
  34. Swedish Space Cooperation, Solna/University of Agriculture, Umeå, Sweden: development of methods for extraction of change information from multitemporal, multispectral agriculture and forestry remote sensing data
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