Graduate School in Nonlinear Science

Sponsored by the Danish Research Academy

Self-bouncing of Quadratic Solitons

by Carl Balslev Clausen
Department of Mathematical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark
Lyngby, Denmark

MIDIT-seminar No. 405

Thursday May 14, 1998, 15:00 h
at MIDIT, IMM Building 305, room 027


We introduce a new kind of soliton-impurity interaction by examining the phenomena generated by colliding multiple-wave solitons in quadratic nonlinear media with localized perturbations. We examine different models for the impurities and find regimes of soliton self-bouncing, tunneling, and trapping, depending on the impurity type. Optical soliton-bouncing has never been observed experimentally (e.g. in Kerr nonlinear media), since there have been found no suitable materials. The soliton-bouncing that we predict requires currently available laboratory ingredients and it should be visible in properly tailored quasi-phase-matched samples.