Dynamic analysis of a low energy test house and a central heating system

Lars H. Hansen

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This report is concerned with the description and the modelling of the heat transfer in a test house at the IBE at the DTU. The test house is a single-storeyed low energy house and it is fairly well known due to some previously performed experiments. A water based central heating system is used as heating system. The report presents the preliminary analysis of the heat dynamics in the test house and the central heating system with respect to a succeeding house heating experiment. Input sequences to the water based central heating system are designed.

IMM Technical Report 20/96

Last modified January 15, 1997

For further information, please contact, Finn Kuno Christensen, IMM
Bldg. 321, DTU, Phone: (+45) 4588 1433. Fax: (+45) 4588 1397, E-mail: fkc@imm.dtu.dk