42134 - Advanced Topics in Operations Research

LECTURES TAKE PLACE 14.00 on Thursdays according to the schedule below

(except the first lecture that will start at 15.00)

Place: Room 105, building 450

Lecturers: Jesper Larsen (JLA), Thomas Stidsen (TKS), Shahin Galareh (SHG) and Anders Dohn (ADH)

Course plan - initiated 01.09.10 - updated 13.09.10


Date Topic Material Teacher
2 Sep Set Partitioning - introduction and applications slides telecom berth scheduling JLA
9 Sep Resource constrained Shortest Path slides RCSPP chapter JLA
16 Sep Structure of the master problem slides aggregation paper assignment program JLA
23. Sep Telecommunication I - Routing Routing TKS
30. Sep Telecommunication OR II - Protection and Assignment given Protection TKS
7. Oct Telecommunication OR II - Network design and Assignment hand-in Network Design TKS
14. Sep Applications of the generalized set partitioning problem JLA
18. Nov Manpower Planning: Rostering Rostering (pdf) Rostering (ppt) ADH
25. Nov Manpower Planning: Task Scheduling Task Scheduling (pdf) Task Scheduling (ppt) ADH
2. Dec Operations Research at Copenhagen Airport OR Copenhagen Airport (pdf) OR Copenhagen Airport (ppt) ADH

Setting up CPLEX on a GBAR account: In order to run the small program provided for the second assignment it is necessary for the computer to be able to find CPLEX. This is done by adding:


to the "rc"-file of your favorite shell (so eg. add it to .bashrc if you are using bash).