02232 - Applied Cryptography:
Lecture Plan, Autumn 2017.

General Information

The course has three types of scheduled activities:lectures, project group meetings and project presentations (most of the work on the project is not scheduled).


The lectures present general topics and useful background information and are given by one of the teachers on the course. The duration of lectures are generally expected to be between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, so that there will be time for working on the projects. Please note that the lectures have generally been assigned a 2 hours time slot in the course plan below, but we rarely expect to avail of the full 2 hours.

Project Group Meetings

Each project group is expected to meet with the lecturer at least twice during the project period. The topics discussed during these meetings include, but are not limited to:
  1. Project Planning The first project group meeting will present the group's initial analysis of the project topic and their definition of the project scope, i.e., which problems will be addressed in the project. The group must also present their plan for the remainder of the project. It is best to have this meeting before the autumn holiday.
  2. Progress Report and Evaluation Methodology The second project group meeting will present the group's progress according to the project plan and the group should be able to describe the method that the group intends to use when evaluating the system. The evaluation should cover all the projects functional and non-functional requirements.

Project Deadline

All projects must be handed in electronically using Campusnet before 12.00 on the Friday before the first internal workshop. This gives the other groups, in particular the groups who have been assigned to review the projects presented during the first internal workshop, at least one week to read the report and prepare clarifying questions that can be asked after the project has been presented.

Project Presentations

All projects must be presented during the internal workshop. Each group has about 30 minutes to present their project to and answer questions from the other students.

This plan is subject to change, so watch this space regularly to see the latest developments.

Lecture Plan

Date Activity Topic
7 Sep Lecture Introduction
Project topic presentation
Forming project groups
How to do literature research
14 Sep Lecture Basic Algorithms
Making a good oral presentation
21 Sep Lecture Risk Analysis & Threat Models
28 Sep Lecture Security Analysis & Evaluation
Writing a good report
Workshop - presentation of key project literature.
5 Oct Project
Individual work in the project groups.
12 Oct Project
Individual work in the project groups.
19 Oct Autumn
26 Oct Lecture Key Management I
Open workshop, where all groups are allowed to test their ideas and ask the opinion of the class.
2 Nov Lecture Key Management II
Workshop - presentation of research resume (abstract).
9 Nov Lecture Authentication
Open workshop, where all groups are allowed to test their ideas and ask the opinion of the class.
16 Nov Workshop I Groups will present projects (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions)
23 Nov Workshop II Groups will present projects (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions)
30 Nov Project
Individual work in the project groups on the analysis of other student projects. It is possible for project groups to schedule meetings with the lecturer responsible for the project if needed.
7 Dec Lecture Christmas lecture & Oral Course Evaluation