Course Information
Synthesizable VHDL
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January 21, 2003 Thursday each team presents results. You should make a couple of slides and prepare a 5 min presentation of
  1. optimizations/modifications (maybe you have designed the ALU in a smart way?)
  2. the extra assignment
You can get your slides copied to transparencies by bringing a printout to the teaching assistant.
January 20, 2003 An example of programming/accessing io-ports under Windows has been uploaded to CampusNet.
January 10, 2003 Mipssystem2.vhd and mipssystem2.ucf are available on Campusnet. These files should only be used with the new boards!
January 9, 2003 Team 2 was the first team to present a working MiniMIPS. Their mipssystem entity used 55% of the logic cells.
January 7, 2003 At the second last day of the course, awards will be given for
  1. the team with the fastest CPU
  2. the team with the smallest CPU
  3. the team with the best extra assignment
January 2, 2003 The course starts Monday 6th at 9.00 in building 322, room 127.
Maintained by Michael Kristensen. Last modified: January 09 2003 19:29:41